Speaker: Rev. Ted Tollefson

Growing a Spiritual Life

What if every person already has a “spiritual practice”, that is, a way of increasing vitality, compassion, and relaxed alertness?  Then growing a spiritual life is more a matter of recognizing what we do and strengthening it rather than starting something new and heroic.

The Art of Dreaming

Each night every person dreams several times and during the day-time, when we’re bored or distracted, we day-dreaming. What is the purpose and possible use of our persistent dreaming? How has the history of invention and evolution been prompted by dreaming?

Holy Synergy

Rev. Ted Tollefson joins us for one of his monthly (roughly) thought provoking sessions.  “Holy Synergy!”  Rev. Ted Tollefson What if our world were filled with events that are “extraordinary” but not necessarily “supernatural”?  Like Moses and the Burning Bush or Jesus and the miracle of “Loaves and Fishes” or what makes a potluck or … Continue reading Holy Synergy

Unitarian Christianity = Reasonable God + Human Jesus + Enlightened Soul

Speaker: Rev. Ted Tollefson Worship Service Coordinator: Paul Thompson; Musician: Debra Reid If we want to understand our roots in New England, we need to begin with one of the greatest Unitarian preachers of the 19th century: William Ellery Channing. I’ll reflect on Channing’s theology which forms a bridge between Unitarian Deists like Thomas Jefferson … Continue reading Unitarian Christianity = Reasonable God + Human Jesus + Enlightened Soul

Worship Service with Rev. Ted Tollefson – Path to Faith class

Nov 3rd – Transcendentalism: Tale of Two Cities Speaker: Rev. Ted Tollefson Worship Service Coordinator: Paul Thompson Music: Deb Reid Transcendentalism is a lively cross current in Unitarian Universalism often associated with Concord, MA. But there’s another strand with strong ties to Cambridge, MA, and Boston. We’ll explore the gifts of these two strands and … Continue reading Worship Service with Rev. Ted Tollefson – Path to Faith class

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Speaker: Rev. Ted Tollefson Worship Service Coordinator: Joy Hembel Music: Debra Reid The “Wizard of Oz” is an American fairy tale which contains practical guidance about “the Good Life”, a Just society, the structure of our True Self, Women’s Rights and spiritual practices to realize our human potential. Would it surprise you to know that its author … Continue reading Follow the Yellow Brick Road