Nov 3rd – Transcendentalism: Tale of Two Cities
Speaker: Rev. Ted Tollefson
Worship Service Coordinator: Paul Thompson
Music: Deb Reid
Transcendentalism is a lively cross current in Unitarian Universalism often associated with Concord, MA. But there’s another strand with strong ties to Cambridge, MA, and Boston. We’ll explore the gifts of these two strands and how they weave together to form a tapestry, as Emerson said, that’s “always a little beyond”.
A Workshop follows the service to help each person find their niche in Unitarian Universalism.
Would you like to know more about All Souls Church and Unitarian Universalism? Join us after the service for a two-hour session to dig into both. Rev. Ted will talk about UUism; members of All Souls will share about the history, operations, and structure of the church. Childcare and lunch provided. For more info or to RSVP contact Jen at or Claudia at