All Souls Holiday Appeal Benefits Hungry South Dakotans
January 31, 2021
This season’s All Souls holiday appeal was directed to Feeding South Dakota, a statewide food bank system. All Souls members and friends have contributed at least $885 to the cause through All Souls, as of January 3. In addition, folks could also donate directly to Feeding South Dakota on their own behalf, but that amount cannot be tracked. Feeding South Dakota was the cause chosen by All Souls’ Board.
“Thank you for your considerable generosity toward fighting hunger during these hard times,” says All Souls President Kevin Kolb.
Rosebud Kids Receive Donations from All Souls
January 31, 2021
In one short week in early December, members and friends donated hundreds of items to students at three schools on the Rosebud Indian Reservation, including food, hats, caps, gloves, stuffed animals, coloring books, Dexterity Dough, and more.
All Souls Serves Meal at The Banquet West
January 31, 2021
In mid-January, All Souls sponsored and prepared a to-go supper for The Banquet meal ministry in Sioux Falls, with about eight All Souls members volunteering. All Souls has been involved with The Banquet for decades.
All Souls Announces Minister for 2021
January 1, 2021

The All Souls Board is pleased to announce that Allan Saugstad has agreed to continue serving All Souls as part-time contract minister. The agreement is for the entire 2021 calendar year.
Saugstad has been serving in the role since late September for a term that ends on December 31, 2020.
He will continue to provide a worship service message once a month (via Zoom while the pandemic continues). Other duties include pastoral care, attending Worship Committee and Board meetings, among other roles.
All Souls President Kevin Kolb says, “All Souls is benefitting from his professional and ministerial experience. I look forward to Allan’s guidance in our becoming a stronger and better church community.”
Interim Minister Hired for Fall 2020
September 1, 2020
The All Souls Board announces that Rev. Allan Saugstad will be providing some ministerial services to All Souls through the end of 2020 on a contractual, “interim minister” basis.
Saugstad will be providing four sermons this fall/winter. “We may try different modes and formats for the sermon delivery, to adjust to the pandemic and find ways that work better for the congregation,” says Kevin Kolb, All Souls President. Circle discussions may also be offered. Saugstad may help fill some other duties as well.
Saugstad’s role will be similar to the role that Unitarian Universalist Rev. Ted Tollefson has played at All Souls for the last two years as regularly visiting minister from eastern Minnesota. “Rev. Ted’s work has been very appreciated,” says Kolb. Tollefson has made occasional ministerial visits to All Souls since the 1990s.
Saugstad spoke at All Souls in 2019 and has attended some services and activities. He has had ministerial experience as a chaplain and minister in another denomination, but like many who end up in a UU church, his spiritual journey has meandered.
Saugstad became the development coordinator at Glory House two years ago. In prior positions he was a gift officer at USF, an insurance and investment representative with Thrivent Financial, a hospice and hospital chaplain, a parish pastor, a teacher of as a second language in Hong Kong, and a volunteer in the McGovern presidential campaign. He is a graduate of Alcester High School, St. Olaf College and Luther Seminary; a spouse, parent, step-parent, grandparent and step-grandparent; a Capricorn, a Reiki master practitioner, # 5 on the Enneagram, and a 30+ year member of Amnesty International.
His favorite authors include Eckhardt Tolle and the Dalai Lama. He enjoys public radio (especially “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me” and “The Moth Story Hour”), piano, Scrabble, and biking.