Minister’s Corner May 2017

May’s worship themes are Belonging and Interconnection. This comes at a time when the UUA is in leadership transition and the denomination at large is taking some time for self-reflection and examining internalized, unconscious racism—specifically the ways that White Supremacy is reflected in small actions by generally good people who aren’t members of hate groups. It can be a painful conversation for people of color in our movement who have dealt with this through out their lives, and an uncomfortable one for white folks who haven’t dug into the topic much before. If you’re interested in more information on the topic, I suggest looking at the work of Leslie Mac, Kenny Wiley, Lena Gardner, and Robin diAngelo. Knowing ourselves is key in understanding how we’re interconnected, how we belong, and how we effect the sense of belonging with others.
Speaking of belonging, it’s my great joy to be renewing my contract with All Souls! As I’ve settled into a rhythm of life here in Sioux Falls and in the jobs of All Souls and First Unitarian, I have more ideas and aspirations for the community. This is really a lovely place to be, All Souls is such a gracious and energized group of people!
In May, I’m looking forward to competing in a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu competition in the Cities, attending a colleague’s ordination (also in the Cities), introducing Get to Know You small group meet ups, continuing Beverages and Beliefs and the Spiritual Practices group.
You belong here. We are all interconnected and interdependent. May we be self-reflective, self-aware, and awakened in our life processes.
Amen and Blessed Be.