Mark and Susan Randall recently visited Bob and Madlin Feragen in their Chicago-area home, following the UUA Mid-America conference. Bob is 93 years old; Madlin just celebrated her eighty-ninth birthday.
During the visit, Bob shared his idea for gifting All Souls with a Congregational Membership Book. Mark assured Bob that that this would be a wonderful item since the current membership book is “a non-descript bound item you could buy in the stationery department at Lewis Drug.”
So, Bob followed through on his idea, and sent it to Mark, along with the following comments:
“This project has had a special meaning for me because it awakened the spirit of All Souls which Madlin and I took from that place after eight years as members when we lived in Sioux Falls.
The binding is a variation of the Japanese style called yotsumitoji which means a four-hole binding. I elected to make five holes  because of the size of the book.
It is a modest gift when compared to the many gifts All Souls gave to me and to Madlin.
In faith,  Bob”
At the May 21 service, Mark presented Bob Faragen’s gift to Minister Sarah, who accepted on behalf of the All Souls congregation.