Two childcare employees have been hired and four volunteer teachers have signed on to launch our fall program.
Beginning Sunday, October 1, child care for ages infant through six will be available.
Enrollment for Children’s RE for youngsters ages 3 to 11 will also be held on October 1 and introductory activities, led by teacher Ann Esse (creating a name tag, decorating a cookie, games), will be offered. Following Sunday’s service, ice cream sundaes will be served to children and adults.
Regular classes under the theme Chalice Children will launch on Sunday, October 8. Class will begin following children’s time in the 10 a.m. worship service and conclude at 11:15 a.m. Supervised games and activities will be available until 12:00 noon when Circle Discussion ends.
Childcare staff are Quartnie Sparks, most recently a store manager at a Hallmark store in Indiana and a mother of two children, and Carol-Carmen Bonham, a pre-law student at Augustana University. Quartnie and Carol will work alternate Sundays.
Volunteer teachers are Kelli Bultena, Ann Esse, Joy Hembel, and Susan Randall. Volunteers are also being sought for RE teacher helpers.
This year parents have two opportunities to enroll their children in Religious Education, at Sundae Sunday on October 1 or at the All Souls Pizza Night Wednesday, October 4, 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the church.