Leadership Development has identified several areas needing help to keep All Souls a warm and inviting place. We are asking members and friends to come forward and let us know where you are able to give of your time or talents. Please take a look at the list and send your areas of interest to allsoulssfadmin@gmail.com or contact Claudia Dail, team lead for Leadership Development with questions or interest. Little things make a difference and just an hour or two of your time will make a difference for All Souls.
Need coffee made and kitchen cleanup for Sunday mornings
Need – coordinator for visitor outreach
Help with cleaning and maintenance projects
Social Justice
Someone willing to coordinate and implement projects designated as a focus of All Souls
Books are piling up and need some attention! Organizing returns and donations as well as those on the shelves.
Coordinators for first Wednesday Night Suppers
Open positions team positions:
- Endowment
- Leadership Development
Getting involved is very rewarding. It gives you an opportunity to get to know the fascinating people of our congregation in a new way and have a better understanding of how All Souls operates.