All-Team Meetings on January 25

The January All Team Meeting (ATM) will be held Wednesday, January, 25. Please note the change to the fourth Wednesday. Plan to gather at 5:30 for a bit of social time with light potluck fare. Team meetings start at 6:00.
Team Leaders have planned a meeting for January 18 to review and tweak the ATM format. Stay tuned for more information. With our team structure, all teams meet the same night. This allows people interested in committee work to check out what the teams do. And it reduces the number of meetings for everyone. The meetings of our teams are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month, and everyone is invited. The teams are Journey (which includes Worship, RE and Social Justice); Outreach (Communications, Hospitality, and Membership); and Finance (which includes Stewardship and Fundraising and Facilities). Bring food to share, if you like, and join us for an evening of discussion and planning.