Translators of Cultures-Minority Youth Advocacy

Join guest speaker, Irina Goubanova, director and founder of Translators of Cultures/Minority Youth Advocacy as she speaks on the Translators of Cultures/Minority Youth Advocacy program which has been in place for ten years and has three components:

(1) Translators of Cultures Youth leaders (WHS students as well as minority students who are working or attending colleges and who are WHS alumni)

(2) AMMY – Adults Mentoring Minority Youth. In this program adult mentors spend an hour a week taking a high school age minority student for lunch, building a relationship of trust and mutual respect, getting to know each other, talking about cultures, and inspiring a student to explore post-secondary opportunities for their education and professional success

(3) Shoes & Boots, a peer tutoring program when a student with strong academic skills helps a new ELL/minority student with home assignments and helping them with confidence and social skills.