September 10 – The Concept of Vocation

Aaron Matson will discuss his life’s faith journey and the concept of vocation – that is, how we each can serve God through whatever roles or jobs we have in life. Whether one is a pastor or a politician, farmer or teacher, mother, daughter, husband, or father, we serve God by doing the best we can in using and developing the talents God has gifted us with in those roles, by performing those roles ethically, and by loving our neighbors and treating them with dignity and respect
Aaron Matson is the Communications Director of the South Dakota Democratic Party. Before joining the SDDP, Aaron was a reporter at the Watertown Public Opinion, and a Lutheran pastor (ELCA) in the Watertown and Brookings area. Aaron still preaches and leads worship at area ELCA congregations when their pastor is on vacation. Aaron also recently successfully defended his but dissertation and will receive a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of South Dakota in December of 2017.   In his free time, he enjoys reading, traveling with his wife, and putting to use his training as a Certified Judge in the Kansas City Barbecue Society.