Review of Guiding Documents

An update of one of All Souls guiding documents, the Policy and Procedure Manual has been approved by the Board. Many people helped to create this current version and it will continue to be a work in progress as All Souls evolves. During the review process, I realized many of us are not familiar with the two documents that guide leadership: the By-laws and P &;P Manual. I’d like to provide an opportunity to everyone to walk through them for a better understanding of how and why things are done the way they are.
In place of the First Wednesday dinner on April 4, I will lead a brief review of these documents. If there is interest I am happy to schedule another session on a Sunday after circle discussion. If you are interested, please use this link to sign up for the 4th and designate the time most convenient for you. If a Sunday would be better for you, add a comment in the field at the bottom of the survey.
You can always register or comment by emailing Jen, Office Administrator at
Looking forward to sharing what I have learned.
Claudia Dail, Past-president